What we do and why we do it.
Where we are based:
Aelita's Attic rent the top floor of the Old Loom Shop at Cromford Mills, from the Arkwright Society.
This is because it fits with our ethos:
1. We want to support a local charity to sustain heritage buildings.
2. It was a home to a huge industry of textiles - quite motivational!
3. It's local.
4. Strangely enough, my great great great grandmother worked for Arkwright at Cromfod Mills, and I quite like following in her footsteps.
Sourcing materials:
We get our coffee sacks from a variety of sources, local coffee houses, ebay, the nearer the better.
The fabrics are from everywhere, but again we like to support local charities. We have a great charity shop on our doorstep Age UK and several nearby. This is why all our bags are different prices - where we got the belt, or the lining changes the price. We could buy them cheaper, even sometimes new is cheaper, but
We get our coffee sacks from a variety of sources, local coffee houses, ebay, the nearer the better.
The fabrics are from everywhere, but again we like to support local charities. We have a great charity shop on our doorstep Age UK and several nearby. This is why all our bags are different prices - where we got the belt, or the lining changes the price. We could buy them cheaper, even sometimes new is cheaper, but